Saturday, April 08, 2006

Enlisting in 09 June 2006..

7 April 2006

I receive my NS enlistment letter...
After a long wait, finally i receive the letter. I was waiting for the letter since the start of April, wondering and wandering when will i be receiving my letter. Is it going to be June or Sept?
Finally, i receive my letter today when i open my mailbox as i was returning home from outside. I was praying to God when i was on my journey back home, that God will decide for me when He want me to be enlisted into NS. I told myself that if i yet to receive it, it mean that God would want me to continue to helpout in his ministry. As He have a much bigger things for me to do.. Before i was enlisted for NS.. When i opened my mailbox, i saw 2 letters.. It was my enlistment letter..... =)

It stated you are required under the enlistment act (cap 30) to report on
09 June 2006 1000am to Basic Military Training Center Sch 2 in Pulau Tekong.

Finally, its my turn to dress in green to serve and protect Singapore...
Counting down to my enlistment day is
62 days..
My last night as a civilian is on 8 June 2006.. I bet that night i sure cannot sleep.. If you have anythings u gonna tell me, please call me, cause most likely i will be awake..

For the remaining 62 days before turning into "green apple" i will be enjoying myself and clear all my on hands projects and stuffs.. And also to have more fellowship and bonding with you who is reading this now.. =)

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