Friday, October 31, 2008

“Gimme It!”

I heard the screams long before I could see him, but as I wheeled my grocery cart around to the next aisle of the store, there he was!

With angry tears streaming out of squinty eyes, the little boy was shouting, “Gimme it!” His mom glanced at me for a moment. I won’t debate the merits of her actions, but, embarrassed and worn down, she grabbed the cheap trinket and tossed it into her cart.

I think I recognized that kid. He looked a lot like me. Yes, I’ve often been the willful child. And sometimes I’ve even pleaded with God, “Why not? Why can’t I have it?” On occasion, God’s given me what I wanted, but not because I wore Him down. No, I think He wanted me to see what happens when I put myself in charge.

What we think is best is not necessarily the best that God desires for us. In Isaiah 55:8, the Lord said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways.”

In his book Days of Grace, tennis champion Arthur Ashe paraphrased James 1:5 when he wrote this advice to his young daughter: “Ask God for the wisdom to know what is right, what God wants done, and the will to do it.”

That’s just the kind of sincere prayer that God wants to hear from His children. — Cindy Hess Kasper

We can’t presume to know what’s best
When we begin to pray;
So we must ask, “What honors God?”
Then seek His will and way. —Sper

If God doesn’t give us what we ask for, we can be sure that He has something far better.
Who Is Your God?

At a funeral, I once overheard someone say of the deceased, “He was close to his god. He’s safe now.”

At times like that, I wish it were true that everyone could have their own god, live in whatever way they wanted, and also be assured of eternal life in heaven. Then we wouldn’t have to think too seriously about death. We wouldn’t have to be concerned about where our unbelieving loved ones went when they died.

But the Scriptures say that there is only one true God. “The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” (Deut. 6:4). And He is holy (Lev. 19:2). He says that we don’t measure up to His standard for a relationship with Him. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Our sin has alienated us from Him.

In love, the heavenly Father provided the way to Himself through His perfect Son Jesus who died to pay the penalty for our sin. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But we need to humble our hearts and receive His gift of forgiveness.

There is only one true God. He is holy and has provided the only way of eternal life through Jesus. Is He the God you are trusting in? Think about it—seriously. — Anne Cetas

To get into heaven, it’s who you know that counts.

How do I know what is true about God and salvation? Is sincerity enough? Read Do I Have The Right Kind Of Faith? at

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Make A U-Turn

When we went on a weekend road trip with some friends, we had our first experience using a Global Positioning System. The GPS has a female voice, so our friends John and Mary call their device Gladys. We programmed our destination into the GPS, and she did her job and plotted our course. Then we sat back. Having put our faith in this little navigator, we let her direct us.

“Turn right in .2 miles,” Gladys said confidently. She was right—Gladys is always right. In fact, when we made an unexpected detour to get gas, she got a bit insistent: “Please make a U-turn . . . Please make a U-turn at your earliest convenience!”

Gladys had calculated a route for us, but we had gone a different way. That was our choice, naturally. But if we had continued going our own way, we would have become lost.

Isaiah 53:6 reminds us that just like sheep, we have a tendency to go astray. That’s why we need a Shepherd to guide us and a Savior to pay the penalty for our sin.

No matter how far you’ve traveled in the wrong direction, it’s not too late to turn around. God is ready to forgive and restore (Ps. 32:5).

If you’re headed down the wrong road, please make a U-turn.Cindy Hess Kasper

Another short passage to ponder..
Friends have you ever miss the many U-Turn opportunities in your life?
Now is the time to turn at the next appraoching U-turn and not continue the wrong journey any further.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Recently, had been reading some books to entertain myself at the same time to brush up my English. This is one of the book that i am reading now, "Counseling & Psychotherapy". I like the book a lot thought it may be quite wordy, but the contents was interesting and appliable.

Ever wonder why there has been quite a numbers of picture being uploaded? Cause i got a camera, Sony T70. i am still new to the many function its can provide up to today. Nevertheless, i am still exploring. Hope that i can produce more better quality photographs. =)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Share 2 short verse which is nice..

As we talk the talk, let’s make sure we walk the walk.

When you find time on your hands, put them together in prayer.

Last sat i went to the lighthouse evangelism church in Tampines St 81 for their miracle service.
It was an eye opener for me, cause i see people did get heal from the service from their sickness.
I like the sermen share by pastor Ronny on the parables of the talents..

When for a ktv session last sat to celebrate 2 of my bro birthday..

The Ong's family

Drank a bit during the ktv session, around 1/3 cup of martel mix with lot of coke. Reached home around 330 in the morning, and wake up for church usher service on the follow day.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I like to share story from some passage or short write up with you guys. I discover that this few months of zhou bo (do nothing) i start to read up a lot of books. Today i will post a short write up from a book call "Our Daily Bread", which i think is quite meaningful and its a problem which all of us face. Its ok if you dun like the christian view and biblical knowledge which may seem alien, you can view it in your own context instead.

A hill too high

My wife and I like to rollerblade. Near the end of one of our favorite routes is a long hill. When we first started taking this route, I tried to encourage Sue by saying, “Are you ready for the hill?” just before pushing our way to the top. But one day she said, “Could you please not say that? You make it sound like a huge mountain, and that discourages me.”

It was better for Sue to face the hill thinking only about one “step,” or one rollerblade push, at a time instead of an entire steep hill to conquer.

Life can be like that. If we peer too far ahead of today, the challenges may feel like a Mt. Everest climb. They can appear impossible to handle if we think we have to be “ready for the hill.”

The Bible reminds us that today is all we need to tackle. We don’t need to worry about tomorrow’s tasks (Matt. 6:34). Imagine Moses thinking, “I’ve got to feed all these people for who knows how long. How can I get that much food?” God took care of that mountain with manna—but only enough for one day at a time (Ex. 16:4).

Every hill in life is too high if we think we must climb it all at once. But no hill is insurmountable if we take it one step forward at a time—with God’s help. — Dave Branon
The 'hill' can refer to lots of thing in life. Relationship, workload, stress, trouble, time...etc
How tall is the hill in you? Is it like an unconquerable mountain or only a slope with small gradient?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Recently, i being planning the layout of my room. This is the final layout.
It will be divided into 3 main theme. There are living room concept, work area & bedroom.
I will be using 3 different corner wall to bring out the different ideas. Color and furniture are as accurate as of 17/10/2008.
Living room concept
I try to keep it simple by not blocking the window. Comprise of only a newly acquire bookshelf, others are already have items. The TV set will be place at the most corner to minimise the amount of wiring. Wall will be decorated with photo frames to bring out the cosy atmosphere.
Window will not be block so as to create another living 'picture' and to allow sunlight to brighten the entire room.

Work area

A nail to the wall bookshelf and a table. This corner of the wall has got 2 different color combination.

My bedroom

Both are already have items.

Will upload pictures of my new room once its ready.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Hi all.. have being busy recently as i was doing a church project called Ministry Fair.
The ultimate goal of these project is to allow peoples to find suitable ministries in the church to serve God. Although, the project had ended last sat 4 Oct but pastor want to have another encore session on the 26 Oct as the result was encouraging. Out of 250 that turn up for the event, 80 of them had found a suitable ministries. We will be having another fair on the Sunday, hope that the results will be even better. So got to work again... =)

Share with you guys & gers another piece of my favourite song.
Its a very nice song, I am sure you all listen before on TV. So relax and enjoy and be touch.


Just let me say how much I love You
Let me speak of Your mercy and grace
Just let me live in a shadow of Your beauty
Let me see You face to face

And the earth will shake as Your Word goes forth
And the heavens will tremble and fall
But let me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend

Just let me hear Your finest whispers
As You gently call my name
And let me see Your power and Your glory
Let me feel Your spirit's flame

Let me find You in the desert
Till this sand is holy ground
And I am found completely surrendered
To You my Lord and Friend

So let me say how much I love You
With all my heart I long for You
For I am caught in this passion of knowing
This endless love I've found in You

And the depth of grace, the forgiveness found
To be called a child of God
Just makes me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend (x2)

Just makes me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend

I pasted an url, but i don't know whether it will work anot. But this song can be found in youtube. (English) (Violin & Panio) (Susan Yu Version)

"Just let me say"
Does this song touch your heart?!
Aren't it a very powerful phrase?!