Monday, December 15, 2008

Waiting For Joy
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. —Psalm 30:5

A large part of life centers around anticipation. How much we would lose if we were to wake up one day to the unexpected announcement: “Christmas in 10 minutes!” The enjoyment in many of life’s events is built on the fact that we have time to anticipate them.

Christmas, vacations, mission trips, sporting events. All grow in value because of the hours we spend looking forward to them—eagerly running through our minds the fun, challenges, and excitement they’ll bring.

I think about the value of anticipation and the thrill it can bring to the human heart when I read Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” The psalmist is declaring the comforting idea that our earthly sorrow lasts but a short time when compared with the anticipated joy that will begin in heaven and last forever. Paul pens a similar idea in 2 Corinthians 4:17, where we discover that our “light affliction” leads to a glory of eternal value.

For now, those of us who weep can dwell on hope instead of hopelessness and anticipation instead of sorrow. It may be nighttime in our hearts, but just ahead lies the dawn of eternity.
And with it, God promises the endless joy of heavenly morning. — Dave Branon

Tribulation, grief, and sorrow
Are but heaven’s stepping stones
To a bright and glad tomorrow
Where no heartache can be known. —Glass

We can endure this life’s trials because of the next life’s joys.

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