Monday, November 03, 2008

Class Participation

As a high school teacher and college professor, I have observed that learning is a cooperative effort between the student and the instructor. That’s why educators try to get the student involved in class participation. The teacher does some work; the student does some work. Together progress is made. Education happens.

In Psalm 119, the writer suggests a similar pattern in verses 129-136. God is the teacher; we are the students.

Let’s look at God’s role in our education. He shows us mercy (v.132). He guides our steps (v.133). And He redeems us from outside trouble (v.134).

But first we must be eager students, ready to accept God’s teaching, guidance, and help. We should enter His classroom with anticipation: “The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. . . . I longed for Your commandments” (vv.130-131). In our role as students of God’s Word, we should fulfill three requirements: (1) examine God’s words for what they are teaching, (2) gain understanding from those words, and (3) obey His statutes.

It’s time to enter God’s classroom and listen and learn from Him. When we do, we’ll look at God with renewed love and at the world with renewed concern (v.136). — Dave Branon

Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine,
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths
For every searcher there. —Hodder

Careful meditation on the Scriptures makes for a closer walk with the Savior.

Another post..
From my point of view for this passage.. Instead, we must be eager to learn and ready to accept only through it then we can gain knowleadge that are beyond what the books can teaches us.

Learning is a long journey which has got no depth. It is like time and tide, which wait for no men; like jewel that are rich and rare, which are hidden in mighty depths.
It is a journey which require individual to do constant searching, studying and reading.

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