I had decided to answer to God calling to take up his Ministry, doing God work.
Throughout, the 2 years of my NS life. I had encounter couples of God Touch and God Answer to my prayers experience. Its just that i resist to accept that he is the one behind all of the miracle, i lied to myself that it was all luck. But deep inside i know that it was not only luck that simple, its some others things else that brought me through.
I came to know about this friend/father/listener/close companion when i was in primary 4, i still remember that day clearly on how i got to know him. i remember that it was a Sunday i was supposed to go to the sharity elephant carnival in ACS(I), before that my aunt need to attend her church service so she brought along my brother and i for service first then to the carnival.
Before then, i had never heard of him in my entire life then, all i know then was only a cross and nothing else. Till that day when i step into his house for the first time in my entire life. I know that he is going to change my life. But i didn't know how until i was in secondary school.
It was all part of his almighty plan i would say, for those who don't believe maybe you can call it fate. I get to know him again after after my psle. I was posted to Springfield Sec Sch, it was a neighbourhood school, i decided to add it to my choices as my cousin was also studying in it. It was on the cca orientation day that change my life, i told myself that i will follow my friends whatever cca they chose. In the end, all 3 of them decided on NPCC. At that moment, i was very reluctant and i couldn't hear in whatever the recruiter say to me. I was so lost and there was this feeling inside my heart saying, "This isn't the one, walk around the school one more time before you decide." I came across this hidden corner area where there is a small grass patch near the then music room for those who still remember. I saw this cca with tents and they were cooking hot dog and the uniform was blue in color. They were giving away hot dog for eating, i wasn't tempted by it at all. what i was attracted to was the sudden feeling of feeling lost no more. I never decide on the spot that it was the cca i wanted, till we gathered back in the hall. My signing up paper was still empty and i needed to hand in. I fill in my 3 choices, Boys' Brigade, Badminton and Computer Club. In the end, i only went for the orientation day of The Boys' brigade. For those who know me, the other 2 choices i fill up was so not match right?
Back to the topic on the "fate". I never know that my choice was a christian cca, and little did i know that the cca was attached to the church that i once step into when i was in Primary 4. My form teacher then was also the cca in-charge. Once again on a Sunday, i stepped into the same church building my second time after 2 years. I get to know Him as a friend in the beginning, i began to find out who He was and how was the cross related to him with my 5 others friends. Fate it may be? For me it is all part of his almighty plan for me to know HIM. This testimonial don't end in me, my brother too was also called to know him. Another 2 years later, my brother came into the same school and join the same cca as me.
It was in Secondary 4 that i began to address Him as Father. I began to pray to him every night and share my troubles with Him. This went on until Poly. Everyone will have a periods where he/she would want some time for himself/herself. When i was in poly i began to slide back, i start to skip church, pray less to him and forsake him. But He had never let me go. Soon i began to find another reason to know Him. I join the primer, thought i didn't stay long but He brought me to know Him through another church from another environment. During that time, i continue my walk with Him through my lecturer.
One of my favourtie song:
What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bare!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
And I'll cherish the old rugged cross
Til' my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou Art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou Art!
When i was in army, i experienced many many ups and downs. My most difficult time is when i was in the course to become a sgt, almost everyday i was running my SOC as i can't passed at all. I was so depressed and demoralised and i was injured too. Times where i really wanted to give up and failed the course and be the worse trainee of the cohort. But everytime before and after training when i open up my drawer to get the medical cream to apply.. I would see this brown book(Bible) which i will carry with me no matter which ever camp i posted to. I told myself i will do my best and let Him decide the rest.
Indeed, He answered my prayer. At first, i was posted to the camp i dream of and many would wanted to go. But He know that i would never be able to make it through. On the same day when i was posted in, the Lord God posted me out and send me to my current camp. It was a hectic schedule and the training was almost 5months its was the longest course in the entire saf, but it was the most ideal as i could heal myself of my injury and at the same time i could build up my stamina to pass my SOC. No matter which ever camp i was posted to, i was always blessed with a patience instructor/officer/oc with leader attitude and who believe in christ. At the end of my course i didn't passed my SOC.
The next miracle happened, where i was going to give up He provide me with another chance. I was posted to my current unit at company line to be a section leader at a cost of running SOC till i passed. I go into prayer at night and asked Him why not a admin sgt then? Why must the pain continue. He never reply but i could sense a comforting touch at that moment. Consider myself really blessed, my rsm was the first army woman rsm. Thought not a christian herself but she was a motherly figure to me. In the end, 3 weeks before NDP i passed and i blogged it down. The night before the test i pray to God, i remember that was the fews time i really pray to Him in my NS periods.
From that day onward, i told myself i was never forgotten by Him. He was there for me for many occasions. Whether i am in Australia for training, or when a 25mm live round missed fire that was so closed to me, or when i was in my vehicles that drove up and down on a almost verticle slope, or during my test where everyone have no hope in and yet i achieve a high standard with my last minutes assigned to section, or when i was doing my day duty in a thunderstorm and heavy rain days, or when at night duty where it is totally dark in the forest which almost bitten by snake, or when my entire self is push to the limit on the 3 months of Ops standby mode, or when i was in Taiwan training, or when my deployment ground was next to those who had been called home to join Him. He had never leave me from the day i know Him.
What a Friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bare!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
And I'll cherish the old rugged cross
Til' my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou Art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou Art!
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
And I'll cherish the old rugged cross
Til' my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou Art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou Art!
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