Monday, December 15, 2008
This quote appears on a Web site intended to help people discover what they are passionate about so they can live with greater significance.
Personally i find this very meaningful.
Indeed, sometime we will sigh over things/thinks that we should have done earlier, but how often do we really realise its important at that time.
For me, i do have a lot of regrets for the misses in my life. How i wish the time would go back so that i will have another chance to do or to redo it again. That is never the case cause we all know that, time is like water the same stream of water that flow pass you now and the water 5sec ago is never the same though they are in the same stream. There is no ways we can retrieve it.
Many a time, how i wish i could be like what Mark Twain said, "So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Am i really ready for it? I really don't know..
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. —Psalm 30:5
A large part of life centers around anticipation. How much we would lose if we were to wake up one day to the unexpected announcement: “Christmas in 10 minutes!” The enjoyment in many of life’s events is built on the fact that we have time to anticipate them.
Christmas, vacations, mission trips, sporting events. All grow in value because of the hours we spend looking forward to them—eagerly running through our minds the fun, challenges, and excitement they’ll bring.
I think about the value of anticipation and the thrill it can bring to the human heart when I read Psalm 30:5, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” The psalmist is declaring the comforting idea that our earthly sorrow lasts but a short time when compared with the anticipated joy that will begin in heaven and last forever. Paul pens a similar idea in 2 Corinthians 4:17, where we discover that our “light affliction” leads to a glory of eternal value.
For now, those of us who weep can dwell on hope instead of hopelessness and anticipation instead of sorrow. It may be nighttime in our hearts, but just ahead lies the dawn of eternity.
And with it, God promises the endless joy of heavenly morning. — Dave Branon
Tribulation, grief, and sorrow
Are but heaven’s stepping stones
To a bright and glad tomorrow
Where no heartache can be known. —Glass
We can endure this life’s trials because of the next life’s joys.
The next month will be very difficult for many people who are still reeling from a loss this past year. The crippling hurt caused by the absence of a loved one can cloud holiday gatherings and even dim the desire to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Poet Ann Weems has written:
Some of us walk into Advent
tethered to our unresolved yesterdays,
the pain still stabbing,
the hurt still throbbing.
It’s not that we don’t know better;
it’s just that we can’t stand up
anymore by ourselves.
On the way to Bethlehem,will you give us a hand?
In Romans 12:9-21, Paul gives ways to express practical Christianity in our relationships. One seems especially needed at this time of year: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (v.15). We can “give a hand” to grieving friends and family by understanding their sorrow and not expecting them to “get over it” in time to celebrate the holidays. We can freely mention the name of the person whose death has brought such desolation and then share a fond memory. We can be quiet, listen, and pray for God’s help.
Only God can heal the deep wounds of the heart, but we can lend a hand. — David C. McCasland
If I can help some wounded heart,
If I can by my love impart
Some blessing that will help more now—
Lord, just show me how. —Brandt
No one is strong enough to bear his burdens alone.
Nevertheless I am continually with You; You hold me by my right hand.
—Psalm 73:23
One of the joys of being with kids is holding their hands. We do it to keep them safe while crossing the street, or to keep them from getting lost in a crowd. And whenever they stumble and lose their footing, we grab their little hands tighter to keep them from falling.
That’s what God does for us. Inevitably there are stones and cracks that trip us up on the sidewalks of life. That’s why it’s easy to identify with the psalmist, who said, “My steps had nearly slipped” (Ps. 73:2).
We all face a variety of issues that threaten to make us stumble. For the psalmist Asaph, seeing the prosperity of the wicked caused him to question the goodness of God. But God squeezed his hand and reassured him that, given the judgment of God, the wicked do not really prosper. True prosperity, the psalmist discovered, was found in the fact that God was always with him: “You hold me by my right hand” (v.23). And just for good measure, God reminded him that He would also guide him through life and ultimately welcome him home to heaven (v.24). How good is that!
So, next time you stumble, remember that the powerful hand of God is holding your hand and walking you through life—all the way home! — Joe Stowell
Many things about tomorrow
I don’t seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand. —Stanphill© Renewal 1978, Singspiration.
Let God do the holding and you do the trusting.
I need someone to hold onto my hand and tell me that, "I am continually with you".
I am longing for that touch of safe and secure feeling to keep myself going after i stumble. I pray that the touch will never be disappeared but will be there when i fall and i too will be there when someone needed me to hold his/her hand.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Dr. Paul Brand told me of a memorable Frenchman named Pierre, who had served in Parliament until he became disillusioned with the slow pace of political change. During a harsh winter, many Parisian beggars froze to death. In desperation, Pierre became a friar to work among them and organize the beggars themselves.
They divided into teams to scour the city for bottles. Next, he led them to build a warehouse out of discarded bricks and start a business processing the bottles. Finally, he gave each beggar responsibility to help another poorer than himself. The project caught on. In a few years he founded the charitable organization Emmaus.
Eventually, there were few beggars to be found in Paris. So Pierre went to India. “If I don’t find people worse off than my beggars,” he said, “this movement could turn inward. They’ll become a powerful, rich organization, and the whole spiritual impact will be lost. They’ll have no one to serve.”
At a leprosy colony in India, Pierre met patients worse off than his former beggars. Returning to France, he mobilized the beggars to build a leprosy ward at a hospital in India.
“It is you who have saved us,” he told the grateful patients. “We must serve or we die.” — Philip Yancey
If you want a field of service, look around you
One of my boyhood heroes was Davy Crockett, the “King of the Wild Frontier.” I looked up to him, admiring his courage and exploits.
Years later, my brother gave me a book that traced the experiences of the real-life David Crockett. I was surprised by his humanness. The real Davy Crockett made mistakes and had serious personal problems. The book depicted him as both flawed and frail.
This was both disappointing and reassuring to me. It was disappointing because he was less than I had come to believe, but reassuring because that reality made Crockett more accessible to me—and even more of a hero.
In the Bible we see that God consistently used people who were far less than perfect. That shouldn’t surprise us. God is glorified by showing Himself strong through our weaknesses. It shows us that He desires to work through our lives not because we are perfect but because He is. And since He uses weak and foolish things (1 Cor. 1:27), it means you and I are prime candidates for His work.
The Lord isn’t looking for superheroes. He uses those of us who are flawed and frail, so that He can show His strength and grace. He wants those with a willing and available heart. — Bill Crowder
It’s not in the flash of the style that you hone,
Nor all the degrees you’ve compiled;
The Savior is looking for servants who own
The warm, willing heart of a child. —Gustafson
In God’s service, our greatest ability is our availability.
They Never Meet
Did you know that the farthest point east and the farthest point west in the United States are both in Alaska? It’s a geographical trick, actually. Pochnoi Point in the Aleutians is as far west as you can go and still be in the US. But if you travel a few miles farther west, you’ll end up at Alaska’s Amatignak Island. Because that spot is west of the 180th meridian separating the Eastern and Western Hemispheres, it is technically east of the rest of the US.
But you’ll never find a spot where east and west are actually next to each other. In going west, you never “find” east. East goes on forever. West goes on forever. They never meet. You can’t get farther from something than that.
What difference does this make? Just this: When you read in Scripture that your forgiven sins are separated from you “as far as the east is from the west” (Ps. 103:12), you are assured that they are an immeasurable distance away—gone forever. If that’s not enough, try this: God says, “I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins” (Isa. 43:25).
Concerned about your sins? Through Jesus’ death on the cross, God is able to say, “What sins?” But He will do that only if you put your faith in His Son. — Dave Branon
“Oh, East is East, and West is West,
And never the twain shall meet.”
So far has God removed our sins:
Salvation is complete. —Hess
We invite defeat when we remember what we should forget.
Interesting fact isn't it.. East and West will never meet.
There is also another saying, "We must always learn from our mistakes."; "No one will fall into the same ditch twice".
Thursday, November 06, 2008
[-.-]hope this songs let u understand how i am feeling now, my heart was aching since that day..[-.-]
Have being listening to this song for the past few days.
Share with you guys n gers..
听 你开心说着 你的事情
没有原因 没有逻辑 谁能说明
总以为 我们是 地球的南北两极
直到分开旅行 我才明白
有好多的话 想说给你听
是我笨的可以 我们早就相遇
我说服我自己 这一切只是友情
是你让我相信 两颗心没有距离
我才发现 原来我爱着你
总是爱捉弄我 寻我开心
从来没有想过 会喜欢你
缘分来临 措手不及 谁看得清
总以为 我们是 地球的南北两极
直到分开旅行 我才明白
有好多的话 想说给你听
是我笨的可以 我们早就相遇
我说服我自己 这一切只是友情
是你让我相信 两颗心没有距离
我才发现 原来我爱着你
是我笨的可以 没看穿你的心
是我笨的可以 我终于面对自己
勇敢证明 我是真的爱你
寂寞的双手 现在选择沉默
忍不住想挽留 话却说不出口
一时的勇气 抹不掉伤心回忆
付出了太多 平衡不了是我
你用了冷漠 狠狠的错怪我
是你欺骗了我 我不能先低头
一时的勇气 抹不掉伤心回忆
Monday, November 03, 2008
NEVER LET YOU GO..... By: Janice
The rain, just never seems to bring
The joy, I feel the same
Everlasting pain of my loss remains
My heart, can't seem to learn to part
The hold you left the mark
All that I dreamed of now it seems so stark
Tho I told myself won't hold my breath
A part of me was dying
There is nothing left for me to do now, but give in
If you gave me, one more chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would sing to you and tell you I won't live my life without you
If you gave me, one more chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes and ya know, I'd never let you go
The way, you left me on the train
I don't know what to say
I remember everything on that day
I can't believe we'd never dance
I just need one more chance
To share the sunset our one last romance
Tho I told myself won't hold my breath
A part of me was dying
There is nothing left for me to do now, but give in
If you gave me, one more chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would sing to you and tell you I won't live my life without you
If you gave me, one more chance to tell you how I was feeling
I would hold your hand and look in your eyes and ya know, I'd never let you go
Below are the 2 link to the song. Hope you like it.. ( '_' )
As a high school teacher and college professor, I have observed that learning is a cooperative effort between the student and the instructor. That’s why educators try to get the student involved in class participation. The teacher does some work; the student does some work. Together progress is made. Education happens.
In Psalm 119, the writer suggests a similar pattern in verses 129-136. God is the teacher; we are the students.
Let’s look at God’s role in our education. He shows us mercy (v.132). He guides our steps (v.133). And He redeems us from outside trouble (v.134).
But first we must be eager students, ready to accept God’s teaching, guidance, and help. We should enter His classroom with anticipation: “The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. . . . I longed for Your commandments” (vv.130-131). In our role as students of God’s Word, we should fulfill three requirements: (1) examine God’s words for what they are teaching, (2) gain understanding from those words, and (3) obey His statutes.
It’s time to enter God’s classroom and listen and learn from Him. When we do, we’ll look at God with renewed love and at the world with renewed concern (v.136). — Dave Branon
Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine,
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths
For every searcher there. —Hodder
Careful meditation on the Scriptures makes for a closer walk with the Savior.
Another post..
From my point of view for this passage.. Instead, we must be eager to learn and ready to accept only through it then we can gain knowleadge that are beyond what the books can teaches us.
Learning is a long journey which has got no depth. It is like time and tide, which wait for no men; like jewel that are rich and rare, which are hidden in mighty depths.
It is a journey which require individual to do constant searching, studying and reading.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I heard the screams long before I could see him, but as I wheeled my grocery cart around to the next aisle of the store, there he was!
With angry tears streaming out of squinty eyes, the little boy was shouting, “Gimme it!” His mom glanced at me for a moment. I won’t debate the merits of her actions, but, embarrassed and worn down, she grabbed the cheap trinket and tossed it into her cart.
I think I recognized that kid. He looked a lot like me. Yes, I’ve often been the willful child. And sometimes I’ve even pleaded with God, “Why not? Why can’t I have it?” On occasion, God’s given me what I wanted, but not because I wore Him down. No, I think He wanted me to see what happens when I put myself in charge.
What we think is best is not necessarily the best that God desires for us. In Isaiah 55:8, the Lord said, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways.”
In his book Days of Grace, tennis champion Arthur Ashe paraphrased James 1:5 when he wrote this advice to his young daughter: “Ask God for the wisdom to know what is right, what God wants done, and the will to do it.”
That’s just the kind of sincere prayer that God wants to hear from His children. — Cindy Hess Kasper
We can’t presume to know what’s best
If God doesn’t give us what we ask for, we can be sure that He has something far better.
At a funeral, I once overheard someone say of the deceased, “He was close to his god. He’s safe now.”
At times like that, I wish it were true that everyone could have their own god, live in whatever way they wanted, and also be assured of eternal life in heaven. Then we wouldn’t have to think too seriously about death. We wouldn’t have to be concerned about where our unbelieving loved ones went when they died.
But the Scriptures say that there is only one true God. “The LORD our God, the LORD is one!” (Deut. 6:4). And He is holy (Lev. 19:2). He says that we don’t measure up to His standard for a relationship with Him. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Our sin has alienated us from Him.
In love, the heavenly Father provided the way to Himself through His perfect Son Jesus who died to pay the penalty for our sin. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). But we need to humble our hearts and receive His gift of forgiveness.
There is only one true God. He is holy and has provided the only way of eternal life through Jesus. Is He the God you are trusting in? Think about it—seriously. — Anne Cetas
To get into heaven, it’s who you know that counts.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
When we went on a weekend road trip with some friends, we had our first experience using a Global Positioning System. The GPS has a female voice, so our friends John and Mary call their device Gladys. We programmed our destination into the GPS, and she did her job and plotted our course. Then we sat back. Having put our faith in this little navigator, we let her direct us.
“Turn right in .2 miles,” Gladys said confidently. She was right—Gladys is always right. In fact, when we made an unexpected detour to get gas, she got a bit insistent: “Please make a U-turn . . . Please make a U-turn at your earliest convenience!”
Gladys had calculated a route for us, but we had gone a different way. That was our choice, naturally. But if we had continued going our own way, we would have become lost.
Isaiah 53:6 reminds us that just like sheep, we have a tendency to go astray. That’s why we need a Shepherd to guide us and a Savior to pay the penalty for our sin.
No matter how far you’ve traveled in the wrong direction, it’s not too late to turn around. God is ready to forgive and restore (Ps. 32:5).
If you’re headed down the wrong road, please make a U-turn. — Cindy Hess Kasper
Another short passage to ponder..
Friends have you ever miss the many U-Turn opportunities in your life?
Now is the time to turn at the next appraoching U-turn and not continue the wrong journey any further.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
As we talk the talk, let’s make sure we walk the walk.
When you find time on your hands, put them together in prayer.
Last sat i went to the lighthouse evangelism church in Tampines St 81 for their miracle service.
It was an eye opener for me, cause i see people did get heal from the service from their sickness.
I like the sermen share by pastor Ronny on the parables of the talents..
When for a ktv session last sat to celebrate 2 of my bro birthday..

Saturday, October 18, 2008
It was better for Sue to face the hill thinking only about one “step,” or one rollerblade push, at a time instead of an entire steep hill to conquer.
Life can be like that. If we peer too far ahead of today, the challenges may feel like a Mt. Everest climb. They can appear impossible to handle if we think we have to be “ready for the hill.”
The Bible reminds us that today is all we need to tackle. We don’t need to worry about tomorrow’s tasks (Matt. 6:34). Imagine Moses thinking, “I’ve got to feed all these people for who knows how long. How can I get that much food?” God took care of that mountain with manna—but only enough for one day at a time (Ex. 16:4).
Every hill in life is too high if we think we must climb it all at once. But no hill is insurmountable if we take it one step forward at a time—with God’s help. — Dave Branon
Friday, October 17, 2008
It will be divided into 3 main theme. There are living room concept, work area & bedroom.
I will be using 3 different corner wall to bring out the different ideas. Color and furniture are as accurate as of 17/10/2008.

A nail to the wall bookshelf and a table. This corner of the wall has got 2 different color combination.

Both are already have items.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
The ultimate goal of these project is to allow peoples to find suitable ministries in the church to serve God. Although, the project had ended last sat 4 Oct but pastor want to have another encore session on the 26 Oct as the result was encouraging. Out of 250 that turn up for the event, 80 of them had found a suitable ministries. We will be having another fair on the Sunday, hope that the results will be even better. So got to work again... =)
Share with you guys & gers another piece of my favourite song.
Its a very nice song, I am sure you all listen before on TV. So relax and enjoy and be touch.
Just let me say how much I love You
Let me speak of Your mercy and grace
Just let me live in a shadow of Your beauty
Let me see You face to face
And the earth will shake as Your Word goes forth
And the heavens will tremble and fall
But let me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend
Just let me hear Your finest whispers
As You gently call my name
And let me see Your power and Your glory
Let me feel Your spirit's flame
Let me find You in the desert
Till this sand is holy ground
And I am found completely surrendered
To You my Lord and Friend
So let me say how much I love You
With all my heart I long for You
For I am caught in this passion of knowing
This endless love I've found in You
And the depth of grace, the forgiveness found
To be called a child of God
Just makes me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend (x2)
Just makes me say how much I love You
Oh my Savior, my Lord and Friend
I pasted an url, but i don't know whether it will work anot. But this song can be found in youtube. (English) (Violin & Panio) (Susan Yu Version)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Share with you guys out there some photo of me when i was young.
These were the photo taken when i was still a sclt of the brigade.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
We’ve all heard the prayer: “Lord, make me more patient—and do it now!”
Why is it that patience evaporates when we are late for a critical engagement and are caught in a traffic jam? Or we rush to the “10 items or less” line at the store, only to find someone in front of us with 16 items!
Being forced to wait ratchets up the stress and shortens our fuse. When that happens, we not only fail to be patient but we undercut the Spirit’s work in our lives.
Patience is not just a virtue, it’s a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22)—which means that demonstrations of impatience reveal the sour fruit of our fallen hearts rather than the sweetness of Jesus in our lives. Since God is a patient God, when we abandon patience we miss the opportunity to show our world the glory of God through our lives.
Bursts of impatience only demonstrate that we are more concerned with our own agendas than the needs and struggles of others. So let’s all take a deep breath and turn our focus away from ourselves by patiently loving others instead of ourselves in the midst of stress.
Patience gives us the privilege of sharing the refreshing fruit of God with others. — Joe Stowell
Our wrath uncurbed will not fulfill
God’s perfect plan for us;
We must be patient and refuse
To fret, to fume, to fuss. —Sper
Be patient. Show your world what God is really like.
Take this opportunity to share this short write up which i think its quite meaningful.
The Power of Patience is really great and can affect our life in term of personality and behaviour.
Have u ever once thought why patience is so important? Did u ever lost your patience before?
For me, i have lost my power of patience when i was in the army for the past 2 years. It may be due to the working style of the environment that every seconds mean alot, that most of the time i expect it to be perfect or to be on time. Patience was an alien word to me in NS time. Instead the substitute words for it was "rush", "hurry" and "quick". 2hrs i want that objective taken, 15mins everythings ready, 1030 vehicles line up, 1035 first vehicles roll out, 30 sec all form up to charge in....
Until today, then i discover that one of the many important things/thinks that i lost for the past 2 years was "Patience".
Hope that my post today will help you to realise the important of Patience too. If you have once lost it like me, hope that you will find it back soon. Let's work together to recover back our Power of Patience.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Monday, September 01, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008

1 Corinthians 13:6-8
Monday, August 04, 2008

I had decided to answer to God calling to take up his Ministry, doing God work.
Throughout, the 2 years of my NS life. I had encounter couples of God Touch and God Answer to my prayers experience. Its just that i resist to accept that he is the one behind all of the miracle, i lied to myself that it was all luck. But deep inside i know that it was not only luck that simple, its some others things else that brought me through.
I came to know about this friend/father/listener/close companion when i was in primary 4, i still remember that day clearly on how i got to know him. i remember that it was a Sunday i was supposed to go to the sharity elephant carnival in ACS(I), before that my aunt need to attend her church service so she brought along my brother and i for service first then to the carnival.
Before then, i had never heard of him in my entire life then, all i know then was only a cross and nothing else. Till that day when i step into his house for the first time in my entire life. I know that he is going to change my life. But i didn't know how until i was in secondary school.
It was all part of his almighty plan i would say, for those who don't believe maybe you can call it fate. I get to know him again after after my psle. I was posted to Springfield Sec Sch, it was a neighbourhood school, i decided to add it to my choices as my cousin was also studying in it. It was on the cca orientation day that change my life, i told myself that i will follow my friends whatever cca they chose. In the end, all 3 of them decided on NPCC. At that moment, i was very reluctant and i couldn't hear in whatever the recruiter say to me. I was so lost and there was this feeling inside my heart saying, "This isn't the one, walk around the school one more time before you decide." I came across this hidden corner area where there is a small grass patch near the then music room for those who still remember. I saw this cca with tents and they were cooking hot dog and the uniform was blue in color. They were giving away hot dog for eating, i wasn't tempted by it at all. what i was attracted to was the sudden feeling of feeling lost no more. I never decide on the spot that it was the cca i wanted, till we gathered back in the hall. My signing up paper was still empty and i needed to hand in. I fill in my 3 choices, Boys' Brigade, Badminton and Computer Club. In the end, i only went for the orientation day of The Boys' brigade. For those who know me, the other 2 choices i fill up was so not match right?
Back to the topic on the "fate". I never know that my choice was a christian cca, and little did i know that the cca was attached to the church that i once step into when i was in Primary 4. My form teacher then was also the cca in-charge. Once again on a Sunday, i stepped into the same church building my second time after 2 years. I get to know Him as a friend in the beginning, i began to find out who He was and how was the cross related to him with my 5 others friends. Fate it may be? For me it is all part of his almighty plan for me to know HIM. This testimonial don't end in me, my brother too was also called to know him. Another 2 years later, my brother came into the same school and join the same cca as me.
It was in Secondary 4 that i began to address Him as Father. I began to pray to him every night and share my troubles with Him. This went on until Poly. Everyone will have a periods where he/she would want some time for himself/herself. When i was in poly i began to slide back, i start to skip church, pray less to him and forsake him. But He had never let me go. Soon i began to find another reason to know Him. I join the primer, thought i didn't stay long but He brought me to know Him through another church from another environment. During that time, i continue my walk with Him through my lecturer.
One of my favourtie song:
When i was in army, i experienced many many ups and downs. My most difficult time is when i was in the course to become a sgt, almost everyday i was running my SOC as i can't passed at all. I was so depressed and demoralised and i was injured too. Times where i really wanted to give up and failed the course and be the worse trainee of the cohort. But everytime before and after training when i open up my drawer to get the medical cream to apply.. I would see this brown book(Bible) which i will carry with me no matter which ever camp i posted to. I told myself i will do my best and let Him decide the rest.
Indeed, He answered my prayer. At first, i was posted to the camp i dream of and many would wanted to go. But He know that i would never be able to make it through. On the same day when i was posted in, the Lord God posted me out and send me to my current camp. It was a hectic schedule and the training was almost 5months its was the longest course in the entire saf, but it was the most ideal as i could heal myself of my injury and at the same time i could build up my stamina to pass my SOC. No matter which ever camp i was posted to, i was always blessed with a patience instructor/officer/oc with leader attitude and who believe in christ. At the end of my course i didn't passed my SOC.
The next miracle happened, where i was going to give up He provide me with another chance. I was posted to my current unit at company line to be a section leader at a cost of running SOC till i passed. I go into prayer at night and asked Him why not a admin sgt then? Why must the pain continue. He never reply but i could sense a comforting touch at that moment. Consider myself really blessed, my rsm was the first army woman rsm. Thought not a christian herself but she was a motherly figure to me. In the end, 3 weeks before NDP i passed and i blogged it down. The night before the test i pray to God, i remember that was the fews time i really pray to Him in my NS periods.
From that day onward, i told myself i was never forgotten by Him. He was there for me for many occasions. Whether i am in Australia for training, or when a 25mm live round missed fire that was so closed to me, or when i was in my vehicles that drove up and down on a almost verticle slope, or during my test where everyone have no hope in and yet i achieve a high standard with my last minutes assigned to section, or when i was doing my day duty in a thunderstorm and heavy rain days, or when at night duty where it is totally dark in the forest which almost bitten by snake, or when my entire self is push to the limit on the 3 months of Ops standby mode, or when i was in Taiwan training, or when my deployment ground was next to those who had been called home to join Him. He had never leave me from the day i know Him.
What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
And I'll cherish the old rugged cross
Til' my trophies at last I lay down;
I will cling to the old rugged cross,
And exchange it some day for a crown.
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God, to Thee,
How great Thou Art, how great Thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to Thee,
How great Thou art, how great Thou Art!
Monday, May 12, 2008
I took the same airline again, Eva Airline. This is really a good airline, got pretty air stewardess to serve you. For both in and outbound flight i sat near the door, the air stewardess is just infront of me before taking off so can chat with them abit. This trip give me the opportunity to see their working style and what they do when they not serving any guest. This airline is best, due to the pilot will control the cabin pressure, your ears wouldn't feel the so pressure. The way they fly will let you have a comfortable flight either taking off or the landing.

I when to there outskirt town call DouLiu. Quite a nice place to shop around, When to their night market and try the famous cuttlefish stew. The food there are all quite cheap cost around NT$30 and in small bowl, but its filling cause they use alot of flour on the foods. The stew is like shark fin but minus away the fins and replace with cuttlefish.

This is the shop where i caught all my dolls. The girl was so helpful and kinds, she would put the doll near to the opening to let you have a sure catch. In total, i myself caught 4 dolls. Why am i not in the pics? Cause when they take secretly with the girl without informing us.
One of the bubble tea shop in the town of DouLiu
The answer is
Its a shop that sell lingering
Soon to come will be Pics from the Sun Moon Lake and the Pics from Taiwan second largest city, Kao Shiong.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Leaving for overseas trip in less than 2 days time. Will be departing on the 15 April midnight flight. Don't know why? I seem to be so fate with 15 that my flight to Australia and this coming trip both fly off on the 15. Will be away for 3 week plus, estimate date of return will be ard May 6, touch down Singapore ard midnight flight.
The 6 days break was a long waited one. Finally, i can turn off and relax myself.
For the past few days, i have been watching this Taiwan 臺灣偶像劇 " 18禁不禁 ". 首集的收視率為2.31. The show consist of comedy, romance and some sensitive topic. haha..
MV of the show.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Finally, the "things" had hand over le. My long awaited long weekend finally arrived, no more irregular working hours and not enough slp le.
Soon, i will be going for another overseas in another 9 more days. My third and last trip of the 2 years in service.
Too much to blog but don't know how to say. Will blog again before i left for overseas bah..
Take care.. =)
Share with u guys a song..
歌手:小薰/阿本 专辑:18禁不禁影音
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
What Ong Wei Liang Means |
You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts. You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it. You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator! You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
Sunday, February 17, 2008
"I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear:
I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off.
And I will leave no one behind. Dead, or alive, we all come home together. So help me God."
Will be leaving to battle Opfor from 19Feb to 23Feb. This time round its no longer a normal training. This time round is where "bullet" will fly, men will die. Close buddies beside u will collaspe and die when he is shot. It is the closer to war that it going to be from the 19Feb when the siren sound. Neither am i spare from dead, cause i am few of the most attractive target for the opfor as i am the point sc of my platoon, the first one who will most likely to contact the opfor first and also the replacement for my PC when he is down.
Apart from all those, after this outfield will be left with one more Overseas and finally ORD.. less than 14 weeks more to go. Will update my blog if i manage to survive this outfield.
Take care..
Ber =)
Dear.. Happy Valentine Day.. U so clever to highlight the whole thing to see the hidden msg.
How long have we been together? Going to 4 years already hor.. =p
Thanks so much for the close to 4 years of love dear. Thanks for all your tolerant and all those little things that u have done. I Love U. I know i haven't been talking much cause i wanted to heard your voice, thought it may be quite irrating sometime but i wanted too listen to what you say, so i didn't talk much. When u asked me am i worry? Frank speaking i am not, cause i have trust and faith in you that's why i am not worry and show no interest at what he send to u.
HaPpY VaLeNtInE DaY... BeAr HuG~~~~
Sunday, February 10, 2008
118 more days left to go..
These Lunar New Year wasn't that hectic...
I bookout ard 10am.. When to parkway parade with my buddies to shop for new year clothes. I brought a jean cost ard $30 at Mark and Spencer. When home for reunion dinner.
At night, i stay by the TV to watch the Andy Lau show at 7pm. A heartwarming show, highly recommended.. Ard 11 plus i when to bed le..
Day 1..
Wake up quite early, after so many new year first time i wake up at 8am.
When to my grandma house to collect AngBao and bian nian, then to er yi po house then to san yi po house. As usual nothing much to talk about, i was just there eating all the goodies. Cause the age gap was quite different, too many young kids. No common topic. Haha..
After that, i went to my Mum's side grandma house. When there for steamboat dinner. After dinner had a short chit chat with the cousins. When for a short gamble of 21, I lost all my bet in the end. Not much only abt $4. =) I don't like to gamble, only during new year time i will join in to add in the atmosphere. I almost lost $$ every years. =p
Then i went to the living room to watch TV. Watch until half way i doze off on the sofa. By the time i wake up, it was ard 11 plus pm.
Day 2..
No place to go plus i was too tired from day 1 bian nian. i stayed at home to slack.. i slept quite early that day too.. ard 11pm i was almost ZZZzzzzzz....
Day 3..
I woke up with an aching body and slight fever. I take 2 panadols and continue to sleep. In the afternoon, i meet up with dear to go walk walk at city area. Intend to go River Angbao but i was sick to walk there. So we have our dinner at AijiTeh Sushi at Plaza Singapura, then we went to Centrepoint, Orchard then home.
Day 4..
Dear came over to my house to bian nian. Feel so sad, i haven't go over to her house yet..
Going to book in tonight. To prepare for next next week final and last outfield 5 days 4 nights exercise. Still sick..
Monday, January 28, 2008
After that, together with dear we took a walk down to Raffles then to Cityhall. The usual route that stretch from west to central part of S'pore. Went to Esplanade walk but the River AngBao was not ready yet, we went to Esplanade then to Marina Square then to Suntec City. We had our dinner at Fish n Co. after dinner headed down to Cityhall, Raffles Shopping mall to hunt for New Year clothes. Manage to brought 3 polo t-shirt from Robinson Sale.
Hmm.. Outfield just ended and Chinese New Year is just around the corner. Its time to get a short rest and to catch up with all my loved one and friends.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hmm.. have been staying at home for the past last 2 weeks due to dear not feeling well. Its ok cause i can also rest at home to spend more time to hug my pillow and lay on my bed.
This coming week will be another outfield week from Tuesday till Friday. So much to prepare and so tired about it. One good thing is whenever there is outfield, time will passby very fast. Cause many sleepless night and soon will start to lost count of the days and date by the time i notice it, its already Friday.
Its time to register for Uni, if i want to continue study after NS. But i sill don't know which module i want. Currently, i am thinking of Hotel Management, Computer Science, Business or anyhow choose. haha.. Let decide when i finish my outfield.
Planning for a overseas trip to Taiwan after i ORD, the initial planning stage is already underway. Dear friends out there if u want to join in pls let me know.. the departure date is ard late june to early july. I sincerely invite ur presence since its has been a long time we meet up for gathering.
Tomorrow, is Mum Birthday. Together with dear, we bought her a ESCADA perfume at Bugis junction on Friday night after i bookout. Later going out for dinner before i book in.
Chinese New Year is coming, less than 2 weeks away. yet i still can't manage to find any suitable clothes for this new year. Yesterday, when down to town areas to shop for clothes, but to no avail. Sigh~~ Going to try again this coming weekend. So fast Chinese New Year le.. Still remember the long post i created last Year? To me it was just like created not so long ago.
Enough of blogging for now.. Cause i began to lost for words and ideas to type. Hmmm... really nothing much to input le. Signing off for now.. Oh Ya!! I change a new song, hope that it sound pleasing to all.. Anyway, its time to change the snail song too.. haha =)
Take Great Care!!
Bye... =)
Having a final outfield i hope.
My birthday on March 23, still thinking of how to celebrate.
Will be out of S'pore for another overseas trip till early May. My third and last trip of my 2years of service.
Will be counting down and trying to pass SOC bah.. or maybe before May i may have already pass le.. Haha..
08 JUNE 08..
Monday, January 07, 2008
You make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers (of new ideas as well as uncharted territory, the latter in these days including adventuring into outer space), soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics.
Adventurous and energetic
Pioneering and courageous
nthusiastic and confident
Dynamic and quick-witted
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
"I can't promise you that I will bring you all home alive, but this I swear:
I will be the first one to set foot on the field, and I will be the last to step off.
And I will leave no one behind. Dead, or alive, we all come home together. So help me God."
2007 was another memorable year that fill with lots and lots of memories that one can't bear to forgot. For me, 2007 was a good year to remember.
I was posted to ATI for 2mth le and started my training as an armour commander. The training was shiong but the end result was fulfilling and rewarding. Not many people can be chosen to be an armour commander.
The Chinese New Year, was another time of the year to collect AngBao and to have cohesion with relatives. 2007 new year was a great one, got a lot of first time.
During march on 2007, i was at overseas till early april. I was in this country called Taiwan to be further trained. My first time going to the country and i finally get to be there in real person to experience all the foods rather than just seeing it in TV. I also spent my 22nd birthday there.
I passed out of ATI and was posted to my current unit to be a SC. First time having real 6 men under me. The feeling was weird but soon i got use to it.
I was involve in the NDP 2007 at the Floating Platform. First time and the first few person to step onto the platform while it was still at it building stage and when it was still close to the public.
My first time working with PA. I was in-charge of these group of youngster ard my age. Throughout the NDP i got to know each of them and become friends.
I pass my SOC. I was at the NDP ground and experience the reheasal of the NDP and the NE Show of the NDP. Thought lots of weekend got 'burn' but it was worth it. Especially, when u see the smile on the participant and the smile on the spectators.
NDP 2007 actual day. Fireworks was awesome!! Gonna to miss NDP 2007 and the Floating Platform when i spent lots of weekend and effort there on the Big Day for Singapore Birthday.
Was a relax month. Nothing much and i juz relax
When for another overseas trip to Wallaby, Australia on 15 Oct. First time there and experience lots of first time. After return from wallaby, i was busy preparing for my test.
Complete the test with result that i was very satified with. Soon after December came.
I was clearing my leave and off to spend time with all my loved one. And before noticing it, 2007 was gone and here come 2008.
2007 just passby me in a flash even before i notice.. a year seem to be very long if its 365 days but if you really look into it, its actually 52weeks only. Only 52 weekend of sat and sun rest and chionging and a year is gone.