Experience in Wallaby
Rockhampton, AustraliaWeather there was hot during daytime and extreme cold during the night. Even 4 layers of clothes can still make u shiver in the middle of the night even with the protection from the veh.
The foods in the camp canteen was expensive. Beef sasuage (Kabana) cost $2, coke $1.60 and orange juice $2.50. All in aussie dollar.
Bathing facilities there was an experience. Inorder to bath, i have to fill up the water bag then raise it high and secure it before i start to enjoy. Max 2 pails of water is enough to fill the bag.
The journey to veh shed is damn long, 1.5km walk before can reached.
Australia is 2hrs faster than Singapore. Imagine everyday i wake up at 530am Australia time which by that time the sky is already quite bright. Singapore is only 330am.
Bash in close terrain vegetation in the dark and bang down lots of tree using veh. Imagine 1 tree cost $50, can't calculate how much i have bang down. Something close to $2000 on that very night. Imagine got many of that night and sometime day. That is how all your tax is being use.
Countless time of near misses where veh almost overturn.
First time shooting 'live' round with no proper mark out route of advance. Be operational is quite an experience.
First time seeing slap round and close encounter of tank firing side by side my veh. Of course at the end of the day, my whole body was cover with sand, dust and dirt.
First time having a 25mm 'live' round flying past and super close to my head only less than 1m on my left side. Really lucky me. Cause it was a misfire due to mechanism faulty. Woot~ at that time i was cold feet and Thank God i was still alive.
First time got to taste the crunchy of the fine sand in Australia inland and also got to breath in often then u can think. Cause when the veh move it create a small sand storm so no choice either breath in or die. The sand was finest than the sand at our beaches.
First time being to such a big resort in Yeppoon, thought nothing much to play at least i manage to see the coastline.
Shopping in Rockhampton shopping mall was an experience. Something like our IMM size of shopping mall. The food serving there were all so big, soft can drink that come in 375ml. But it close at 5.30pm everyday and close on Sunday.
When to their 3 major supermarket and discover most of the things sold there could be brought in Singapore supermarket.
Brought lot and lot of naugot and chocolates. The chocolate there was cheap and come in big packaging.
First time when i raise up my head saw so many many many many stars.
Second time boarding the plane need to climb up stairs, first time was in Indonesia. In another word, up close with the plane. Nice feeling man!
The most common words or phrases that i say in Australia was, "Hey Mike", "Thanks Man".
Experience a day of Australian way of life when travelling through the town.
First time when to an Australian College inside a Unviersity, Central Queensland University for lunch and night snack. Foods serve there was western with bit of asian taste, fried, bread, cupcake and chocolates.
First time onboard Air New Zealand flight. Good plane with friendly host.First time where my parents and girlfriend accompany me to airport to send me off for overseas training. Taiwan Flight was in the middle of the night, maybe that is why dun have..
Pray hard there won't be another time of overseas training going to Taiwan during March to April duration. I want to go there for rest and relax holiday not for training. Anyway, dear friends out there, i planning to go there for a holiday after i ord. if u are interested too pls let me know too k. would be around May, June or early July. Let me know u r interested and i will do follow up with u when the time is ripe. =)
The drinkable water there got a weird taste cause its lack of flouride and chlorine. after a few day will get use to it cause no other choice mah. Drink or die of thrist. Haha.. =p
First time saw camp got internet access to use and movie screening everyday. No chance to use the internet at all, hardly got to sit down to watch the movie too until the last day before leaving the camp. The movie i saw on that day were resident evil 1 and 2 and dawn of the dead, all of them were the movie that i scare to watch. Sigh~
First time experience super short rain which last for only or less than 5mins each time. Feel so frustrated cause by the time i wear my raincoat the rain would stop and the sun will raise.
The scenary at ShoalWater Bay Training Area was awesome. Too bad got no pics.
I having a runnning nose since the first day i landed at Rockhampton and the day i left. Luckily my cough had recover.. Sneeze sneeze.
Those were my experience in Australia. Thought nearly die over the gun mechanism faulty incident but the overall experience was nice. There were numbers of pics taken during the trip but need to get it from my friends inorder to share with u guys and gers. Will upload the pics asap.
Take Care...! Cya Mike....
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