Last week was a busy schedule week.. When for IMT (Individual Marksmanship Test) and GAC (Grenade assault Course).
The IMT i did quite ok, think hit abt 20 out of 32 shots. My weak point was the fig 15, 1/5 of the whole body, basically is only the head reveal lah. Can't see anything at all when it is at 50m or 100m away only a small black dot. I use my gut feeling and shoot, lucky me i manage to hit 1 out of 4 snap target..
The GAC was a tired one. I leopard crawl with frog and its baby beside me.. It was damn dirty, wet and tired after i reached from point to point. The whole course was 100m. To me it was like 200m, super tired and i can't feel my hand anymore after the course.
Today, going to book in at 2045.. Tml morning going to shot 'live' range.. It's going to be boring cause only get to shoot 20mins and wait for 6hrs inorder to shoot again. Next week is my confinement cause of fieldcamp on the 22nd July, cannot come out. haiz..
After my fieldcamp, rest for a day will be my Sit Test on 31July. Hope that i can endure through both camp.
Hope that my cough will recover before the fieldcamp, being coughing for ard 3 weeks le..
Seen a doctor and given a much stronger medicine to help me to cure it.. Share with u my section photo..
Going to stop le... Cont to updated u in 2 weeks time..... Take care.. =)

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