Soooo fast a year had already past by me..
Yesterday when for dinner at bugis siam kitchen.. Foods was not bad.. after that we went to esplanade for a some shots and a simple countdown and went home to play chess with my chessmate zhou gong.. Singapore CBD areas was awsome.. Love to go that place for a short walk to relieve myself.. :)

Last year, was a memorable one.. Lots and lots of memorable moments to be cherish and treasure.. Not forgetting that, there were some bad moments too, but i takes them as a learning lesson in my life and try to make them better..
My legs are giving me problems again, hope it will not be too bad.. I am going to seek for specialist after i finished my driving phase in 2 weeks time.. Pray for me that my legs will be fine..
Soon going to be 2007, lots of new challenger awaiting ahead.. Pray for God guidance for the year 2007 ahead..